


Baxter, Richard




1615 - 1691


Christian directory, or A summ of practical theologie, and cases of conscience Mehr

The Christian's converse with God or The insufficiency and uncertainty of human friendship and the improvement of solitude in converse with God Mehr

The poor man's family book. 1. Teaching him how to become a true Christain. 2. How to live as a Christian, in all his relations, especially in his family. 3. How to die as a Christian. In plain familiar conferences between a teacher and a learner Mehr

The vain religion of the formal hypocrite, and the mischief of an unbridled tongue (as against religion, rulers, or dissenters) described, in several sermons, preached at the Abby in Westminster, before many members of the Honourable House of Commons, 1660 ; and The fools prosperity, the occasion of his destruction : a sermon preached at Covent-Garden by Richard Baxter Mehr

Compassionate counsel to all young men especially I. London apprentices, II. students of divinity, physick, and law, III. the sons of magistrates and rich men by Richard Baxter Mehr

Richard Baxter's dying thoughts upon Phil. I, 23 written for his own life and the latter times of his corporal pains and weakness Mehr

A call to the unconverted to turn and live and accept of mercy while mercy may be had as ever they would find mercy in the day of their extremity from the living God by his unworthy servant, Richard Baxter to be read in families where any are unconverted Mehr

A Christian Directory (Part 4 of 4) Christian Politics Mehr

Directions for weak distempered Christians, to grow up to a confirmed state of grace : with motives opening the lamentable effects of their weaknesses and distempers Mehr

A treatise of conversion: Preached, and now published for the use of those that are strangers to a true conversion, especially the grosly ignorant and ungodly Mehr

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