


Lloyd, Henry




1720 - 1783


Continuation of the history of the late war in Germany, between the King of Prussia, and the Empress of Germany and her allies. Illustrated with a Number of Maps and Plans. Part II. Containing First. An Analysis of the Grecian, Roman, and Modern Military Institutions, Together with a New System; &c. Second. Of the Rise and Progress of the Passions, and their Application Relative to the Conduct of an Army; &c. The Philosophy of War. Third. Of the Analogy Between Military Operations and the Different Species of Government; the Policy of War. Fourth. The Principles of War Demonstrated. Fifth. The Application of those Principles to the Military Constitution of the Different Powers of Europe; with Maps of France, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Germany and Russia, with an Analysis of their Different Frontiers, wherein we Examine whether and how they may be Attacked with Advantage [Vol. 1.2] Mehr

The History of the Late War in Germany ; between the King of Prussia, and the Empress of Germany and Her Allies. Containing I. Reflections on the general principles of war, and on the composition and characters of the different armies in Europe. II. Explanation of the causes of the war. III. A military description of the seat of war; wherein all the important fortresses, positions, camps, rivers, roads, defiles, &c. are indicated. IV. The operations of the campaigns of 1756 and 1757: with reflections on the most considerable transactions: from whence the principles of war are deduced and explained; and the reasons, which most immediately contributed to the decision of them, given. With a map of the seat of war; and plans of the battles of Lowositz, Prague, Chtzemitz, or Kollin, Rosbach, Breslaw, Lissa, and Gross Jagersdorff. [Vol. 1] Mehr

The history of the late war in Germany, between the King of Prussia, and the Empress of Germany and her allies. Containing the campaigns of 1758, and 1759. With a correct military map of the seat of war; and plans of the siege of Olmutz, and of the battles of Zorndorf, Hochkirchen, Paltzig, Cunnersdorf or Frankfurt, and Maxen [Vol. 2] Mehr

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